- 高达70 GHz的带宽和5 ps的上升时间 (10 - 90%)
- 最低的分析噪声 –60 GHz时 450 μVRMS , 30 GHz时 300 μVRMS
- 远程取样器 *1把采样头放到DUT附近,保证最佳的信号保真度
- 独立的取样器偏移校正功能,保证简便地反嵌夹具和探头
- 双通道 (80E01和80E06除外)
- 高精度微波连接器 (3.5 mm, 2.92 mm, 2.4 mm和1.85 mm)
- 探头支持 (80E06除外)
TDR 模块
- 15 ps反射真正差分全内置TDR上升时间 (12 ps入射),阻抗分辨率小于1 mm
- 高达50 GHz的高效、准确、简便易用、经济的S参数测量
- 串行数据应用阻抗检定和S参数测量
- 高级抖动、噪声和BER分析
- 通道和眼图仿真和基于测量的Spice模型
80E10, 80E08 和 80E04
- 高性能TDR/T测量
- 阻抗特征, 电感, 电容和S参数测量
- 传输线质量, 阻抗和串扰
- 真正差分, 共模和单端测量
- 高效隔离故障
80E09, 80E07, 80E06, 80E01
- 高频, 低噪声信号采集
- 快速上升时间测量
- 抖动分析和波形分析
80E03 和 80E02
*1集成在80E07 – 80E10上,80E01 – 80E04和80E06上选装。
TDR 模块: 80E10, 80E08 和 80E04
80E10、80E08和80E04是双通道时域反射计 (TDR)取样模块,在80E10中提供了高达12 ps的入射上升时间和15 ps的反射上升时间 (在80E08中提供了18 ps的入射上升时间,在80E04中提供了23 ps的入射上升时间)。这些模块的每条通道都能够生成一个用于TDR模式的快速阶跃信号;取样模块的采集部分监测入射阶跃和任何反射的能量。可以独立选择每条通道的阶跃极性。除独立测试隔离线路外,它还可以对两条耦合线路执行差分或共模TDR或S参数测试。每条通道独立阶跃生成功能可以实现真正差分测量,保证了差分器件的测量准确性。
所有模块拥有独立的入射阶跃和接收机偏移校正功能,消除了测量夹具和探头的影响,可以更快、更简便地反嵌测试夹具。80E10 取样模块提供了7 ps的采集上升时间及高达50 GHz的用户可选同等带宽 (50, 40和30 GHz设置)。80E08的取样带宽是30 GHz (用户可以选择30和20 GHz设置),80E04的取样带宽是20 GHz。20 GHz P8018单端探头和18 GHz P80318 差分可变间距TDR探头提供了杰出的性能和一致性测试功能,保证简便准确地测量背板和封装器件。
在用户结合使用这些模块及泰克IConnect® TDR和VNA软件时,可以采集高达1,000,000的数据点,获得高达50 GHz的差分、混合模式和单端S参数测量结果。IConnect还可以进行各种串行数据标准要求的阻抗、S参数和眼图一致性测试,及为千兆位互连进行全通道分析、Touchstone (SnP)文件输出和SPICE建模。
取样模块 s: 80E09, 80E07, 80E06, 80E03, 80E02 和 80E01
80E09和80E07是带有远程取样器的双通道模块,在60 GHz 取样带宽时实现了450 μVRMS的噪声,在30 GHz 取样带宽时实现了300 μV的噪声。每个小型远程取样器连接到2米电缆上,使电缆、探头和夹具的影响达到最小,拉近了取样器和DUT的距离,保证最佳的信号保真度。用户可以选择带宽设置 (80E09上为60/40/30,80E07上为30/20),实现了噪声和带宽的最佳平衡。
80E06和80E01是单通道70+和50 GHz带宽的取样模块。80E06提供了最宽的测量带宽和最快的上升时间测量功能及世界一流的信号保真度。80E06和80E01都提供了杰出的±1.6 V的最大工作范围。这两个模块都可以与选装的2米扩展器电缆一起使用,保证杰出的信号保真度和测量灵活性。
80E03和80E02是双通道20 GHz和12.5 GHz 取样模块。这些取样模块在80E03中提供了17.5 ps或更低的采集上升时间,在80E02中提供了28 ps的采集上升时间。这些模块可以选装2米扩展器电缆。
在与泰克80SJNB抖动、噪声和BER软件一起使用时,这些模块可以把抖动和噪声分隔为不同的成分,了解眼图闭合的精确成因,准确地推断BER和三维眼图轮廓。在与82A04相位参考模块一起使用时,可以把时基准确性改善到低达200 fsRMS的抖动,再加上300 μV的本底噪声和14位的分辨率,保证了测得信号最高的信号保真度。
Ordering Information
Dual Channel, 50 GHz True Differential TDR Sampling Module with Remote Samplers
Includes: User manual, certificate of traceable calibration standard, two precision adapters to 2.92 mm included with 50 Ω SMA terminations.
Dual Channel, 60 GHz Sampling Module.
Includes: User manual, certificate of traceable calibration standard, two precision adapters to 2.92 mm included with 50 Ω SMA terminations.
Dual Channel, 30 GHz True Differential TDR Sampling Module with Remote Samplers
Includes: User manual, certificate of traceable calibration standard, two 50 Ω SMA terminations.
Dual Channel, 30 GHz Sampling Module.
Includes: User manual, certificate of traceable calibration standard, two 50 Ω SMA terminations.
70+ GHz Electrical Sampling Module.
Includes: User manual, calibration data report, precision adapter to 2.92 mm with 50 Ω SMA termination.
80E06X2 - Bundled ordering configuration provides two 80E06 modules.
Dual Channel, 20 GHz True Differential TDR Sampling Module.
Includes: User manual, calibration data report, two 50 Ω SMA terminations.
Dual Channel, 20 GHz Sampling Module.
Includes: User manual, calibration data report, two 50 Ω SMA terminations.
Single Channel, 50 GHz Sampling Module.
Includes: User manual, calibration data report, precision adapter to 2.92 mm included with 50 Ω SMA termination.
Service Options
Opt. C3 - Three years of Calibration Service.
Opt. C5 - Five years of Calibration Service.
Opt. D1 - Calibration data reports (not available with 80E07 – 80E10)
Opt. D3 - Three years of Calibration data reports.
Opt. D5 - Five years of Calibration data reports.
Opt. R3 - Extended repair warranty to three years.
Opt. R5 - Extended repair warranty to five years.
Other Accessories
Sampling Module Extender Cable (2 meter length) - Order 80N01 (not for use with 80E07 – 80E10)
2X Attenuator (SMA male-to-female) - Order 015-1001-01.
5X Attenuator (SMA male-to-female) - Order 015-1002-01.
Adapter (2.4 mm male to 2.92 mm female – can also be used as 1.85 mm male to 2.92 mm female) - Order 011-0157-00.
P8018 - 20 GHz Single-ended TDR Probe. 80A02 module (below) recommended for static protection of the sampling or TDR module.
P80318 - 18 GHz Differential TDR Probe. 80A02 module (below) recommended for static protection of each channel of the sampling or TDR module.
80A02 - EOS/ESD Protection Module (1 channel). P8018 or P80318 TDR probe (above) recommended.
Interconnect Cables (3rd party)
Tektronix recommends using quality high performance interconnect cables with these high bandwidth products in order to minimize measurement degradation and variations. The W.L. Gore & Associates' cable assemblies, accessible at http://www.gore.com/tektronix, are compatible with the 2.92 mm, 2.4 mm, and 1.85 mm connector interface of the 80Exx modules. Assemblies can be ordered by contacting Gore (at the URL above).
Calibration Kits and Accessories (3rd party)
To facilitate S-parameter measurements with these electrical modules and IConnect® software, we recommend precision calibration kits, adapter kits, connector savers, airlines, torque wrenches, and connector gauges from Maury Microwave. These components, accessible at www.maurymw.com/tektronix.htm, are compatible with the 2.92 mm, 2.4 mm, and 1.85 mm connector interface of the 80Exx modules. Cal kits and other components can be ordered by contacting Maury Microwave (at the URL above).